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Commitment to sustainability

Ruka Adventure provides its visitors a nature experience where sustainability is built into the entire operation and is an integral part of daily work. The commitment involves preventing and reducing the environmental impacts of the business and actively working to promote sustainable development through continuous improvements.
We make sure that our working environment is safe and risk and crisis management are considered in our operations. Our staff is crucial to us thus we respect the rights of employees also within our subcontracting chain. Continuous training for our staff is a priority and we communicate to both employees and visitors the acts we do for the environment and corporate sustainability.

Ruka Adventures has been awarded Green Activities certificate

As an aknowledgement of our commitment to sustainability, the activity programs produced by us have been certified by Green Activities. Green Activities is a sustainability certificate based on criteria designed specifically for activity program operators. As a Green Activities certified establishment, we are committed to continuously improving our sustainability and reporting on it as part of the annual re-application process. Compliance with the criteria is verified by regular audits, and certification is granted by an independent, third-party jury.

Ruka Adventures has been awarded Sustainable Travel Finland certificate

Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) certificate is a proof of commitment towards sustainable practices and principles.